Our Core Values
Adopted August 2022, these are our Core Values to which we hold ourselves. Click on any value to learn more!
Economic Sustainability
For URL the principle of sustainability means striving for long-term self-sufficiency at the same time we account for the impacts that goal has in the larger community. We raise funds through grants to not-for-profits, private sponsorships and donations, and sales of goods and services (like educational and experiential programs). URL is committed to fulfil our promises to our funders and donors through considered and careful use of grants and donations from the community. URL is equally committed in all fund-raising decisions to consider how the organization’s privilege and positive reputation operate in funding competitions.
Food System Equity
URL aims to contribute meaningfully to the work of challenging the inequitable food system, and this requires learning, leading, and collaborating. URL’s commitment is rooted in the process of truth and reconciliation which prompts us to account for the social and political orders that produce barriers to access to food. URL understands these are barriers to opportunities to work meaningfully in the food economy, barriers to access suitable, prized, and high-quality food, and barriers to produce food in self-determined ways. URL is committed to reduce these barriers, and to share knowledge and resources with other groups and organizations doing this work.
Meaningful Labour
URL commits to provide ways for employees and volunteers to prove the value of small-scale agriculture to the community. This commitment is rooted in URL’s appreciation of the effectiveness of small and versatile organizations of people to make positive change. URL is committed to communicate with employees and volunteers, knowledge about the growing, organizing, fundraising and community engagement work it does, and to track and share information about its impacts on community and place.
Ecosystem Accountability
URL is committed to model food production in urban spaces that protects and enhances the soil, the watershed, and the function of the land within a broader ecosystem. URL uses methods that depend on highly skilled workers, environmental knowledge, careful use of organic inputs, production of organic soil amendments, water conservation, and concern to build habitat for wildlife and native plants. URL uses each farm site as a model of responsible use of land in an urban setting.
Urban Roots London is proud to be a Good Food Organization and a Living Wage Employer.
Growing Fresh, Healthy, Connected Communities
We deeply appreciate your support in helping us make Urban Roots a permanent fixture in our city!